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Document No: DTIS-230908-BUV. Document No: DTIS-230908-BUV. Standard Specification for ESB MV/LV Page 1 of 6 Networks Ducting (Minimum Standards) Networks Note 1: ESB Networks reserves the right not to accept ducting which does not conform to these standards and dimensions org. NO. NW-014 Note 2: Refer to ESB Networks for .
carriere freres蠟燭dcard目前我已知有出過番茄味蠟燭的品牌: Carriere Freres Loewe Jo Malone .【商品名稱】:法國大師級品牌Carrière Frères香氛蠟燭TEAPLANT英式紅茶180g,【新舊狀況】:幾乎全新,【數量】:1,【單價】:1500元,【交易方式】:賣貨便,【 .
carriere freres蠟燭dcard目前我已知有出過番茄味蠟燭的品牌: Carriere Freres Loewe Jo Malone MALIN+GOETZ Lucia TRUE GRACE 雖然標榜番茄但大多都是番茄藤蔓/葉片 的青草綠葉氣息,想知道還 .Carrière Frères candles come in a range of singular scents inspired by exotic or indigenous oils that fascinated the botanists and explorers of the 18th century. 如今,Carrière Frères 的蠟燭仍堅持全程法國手工製作,香味從如夢似幻的大溪地梔子花、沉穩且具有療癒作用的沉香、芬芳宜人的法國薰衣草,到今日已成經典的大馬士革玫瑰花香,全都成為Carrière . 來自法國的小眾品牌 Carrière Frères, 是已經擁有超過百年歷史的香氛品牌,而且是巴黎聖心大教堂的官方蠟燭供應商,他們家最擅長各種藥草、植物、花果的香味,所有成分都是取材大自然,最有名的 .
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